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Personal Record Retention Guidelines
Personal Records to Keep For Three Years
Bank Statements
Credit Card Statements
Medical Bills (in case of insurance disputes)
Utility Records
Expired Insurance Policies
Personal Records To Keep For Seven Years
Supporting Documents For Tax Returns
Medical Bills (if tax-related)
Accident Reports and Claims
Property Records/Improvement Receipts (keep until after disposing of the property)
Wage Garnishments
Personal Records To Keep Forever
Alimony, Custody, Prenuptial Agreements
Birth and Death Certificates
Income Tax Payment
Income Tax Payment Checks
IRS Notices
Important Correspondence
IRA and 401K Statements – (Year-end only)
Legal Records
Medical Records
Photos or Videotapes of Valuables
Retirement and Pension Records
Other Personal Records
Car Records (keep until the car is sold)
Credit Card Receipts (keep until verified on your statement)
Insurance Policies (keep for the life of the policy)
Mortgages / Deeds / Leases (keep 6 years beyond the agreement)
Pay Stubs (keep until reconciled with your W-2)
Property Records / improvement receipts (keep until property sold)
Sales Receipts (keep for life of the warranty)
Stock and Bond Records (keep for 6 Years beyond selling)
Warranties and Instructions (keep for the life of the product)
Please note this table should only be used as a guide. You should consult with your attorney and insurance carrier when establishing a record retention policy. It is also recommended reviewing your record retention policy annually and updating it as necessary considering governmental changes and other requirements.